Original Article

Mandıbular Values In Adults Wıth Normal Occlusıon


  • Emel Seren

Turk J Orthod 1990;3(1):58-64

This study was done to find out the standart norms and their relations in the mandibular dimensions and angles in cephalometric x — rays of total 85 adults — 48 males and 37 females — aged 18—20 with normal occlusion. The dimensions of ramus and corpus with the lengths Co — Go and Go — M lines and effective mandibular lengths with Co — Pg and also the Co, Go and M angles were measured by cephalometric rules. The mean values, standart deviations and the correlation coefficient of these measurements were evaluated statistically and the values related to mandibular with normal occlusion in both sexes were shown. Ramus-total relations in males and corpus - total relations in females and relations of all mandibular angles in both sexes were found significant in the individuals with normal dental occlusion and skeletal pattern.

Keywords: Normal occlusion, mandibular dimensions and angles