Clinical Corner

Orthodontıc Implıcatıons Of Temporomandıbular Joınt Dysfunctıon


  • Ayhan Enacar
  • Mehmet Özgen
  • Kerem Aras
  • Murat Demirhanoğlu

Turk J Orthod 1994;7(1):49-56

Orthodontic implication of temporomandibuler joint dysfunction has been a concern of orthodontists in the recent years. As the orthodontist maintains the capability of restructuring the functioning occlusion, orthodontic application in TMJ instances are notably increased. In this case report two instances are presented who are treated orthodontically particularly through the implementation of the Progressive Extrusion Mechanics. Initial splint therapy and incidrental multiband mechanoterapy is proved to be an effective remedy in TMJ dysfunction cases.

Keywords: TMJ Dysfunction, Orthodontic Treatment