Case Report

The Importance Of Therapeutıc Class Iı Approach In Adult Cases Wıth Perıodontal Problems: Case Report


  • Eray Erdoğan

Turk J Orthod 1995;8(1):124-131

In adult cases with periodontal problems caused by malocclusions, the rapid correction of the teeth’s position with a short lasted orthodontic approach is necessary. Some orthodontic treatments or therapies realized with tooth extractions can relatively shorten the duration of active orthodontic mechanics. Especially in class II adult cases having mild skeletal problem or not, the therapies done by upper first bicuspid extractions can rapidly construct a functional occlusion resulted with the stabilization of periodontal conditions. In this study, a moderate dental class II adult case with local periodontal problems treated by class II extraction therapy is presented and so on this orthodontic mechanic and the clinical results are discussed.

Keywords: Adult orthodontics, occlusal trauma, periodontal bone loss, therapeutic class II, optimal orthodontic force, functional occlusion