Original Article

The Relatıonshıps Between Some Cephalometrıc Measurements And The Increments In Skeletal Age, Heıght, And Weıght In The Chıldren Aged 10—11 Years


  • Abdulvahit Erdem
  • Ümit Gazilerli

Turk J Orthod 1989;2(1):37-46

In this study, the heights and weights of 66 children, 34 females and 32 males, aged 10—11 years were measured, and their hand-wrist and cephalometric head radiographs were taken at the interval of one year. Some angular and linear measurements were made and skeletal ages were determined on the first and second films. The differences of the measurements were calculated by subtracting the first year measurements from the second year measurements. The interrelationships between the cephalometric measurement differences and the skeletal age, height, and weight differences were investigated by means of correlation analysis. Furthermore, the correlation cofficients were verified by t test. Most of the correlation cofficients were found to be statistically unsignificant, while a few statistically significant.

Keywords: Skeletal age, height, weight, cephalometric measurement